Oasis→ 36 

Oasis is an exploration of utopian idealism, joy, and self determination - a combination of warm water pool & greenhouse filled with medicinal plants. The roof opens directly to the sky. 

Visitors can pluck their own Native, African, and Indian medicine, learn about their use, swim, relax, and listen to their own playlists pumping through the water.

Simultaneous pressures of war, climate change, racism, threats to our reproductive autonomy, a broken healthcare system, and disillusionment with religious institutions surround us.  

The need for joyful, spiritual and healing spaces is critical. 

We wish to respond with the utopian generosity of an oasis that addresses structural inequalities in public leisure and access to amenities.

Limestone stool #3
18 x 16 x 18

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Limestone cube #1

From 2022-present, I have been developing a process to create limestone from industrial leftovers. The system is zero waste, circular, and follows principles of biomimicry. Because it sequesters carbon dioxide from the air and water, the limestone is potentially carbon negative and climate positive.

The initial process was developed by architect Dr. Wolf Hilbertz in the 1970s, and I am modifying it to avoid mining/polluting the ocean.

By using local water obtained from rain, air, or tap, the end result is literally colored by the region in which it is created.

These objects were grown under water.

We will be experimenting with further uses and publishing our results.  Limestone, besides capturing carbon, can be used to make sustainable architecture, potentially replacing mortar and concrete. It can also be used for products, castings, coatings, and as a pigment.

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A Bed of Roses → 33 

*Finalist, Times Square Competition

Imagine seeing Times Square in a surreal perspective — a grand heated bed in winter, outdoors, floating above a bed of flowers.

With no obvious indication, comfortable radiant heat spreads throughout the sculpture. Kept at 75 degrees, it invites touch and a longer stay. The field of winter flowers below gives softness, fragrance, and color. 

Using a layered approach to metaphor, the sculpture references -
*The grand leisure of Persian and Asian family-sized beds
*Times Square's historically edgy relationship to sex
*Death, loss, and rebirth during the pandemic
*America’s racially charged history of criminalizing homelessness, loitering, and public rest, including the artist's own experiences with stop and frisk

A Bed of Roses references physical processes: death, life, leisure, sex, and sleep. But ultimately, it relates to slowing down, rebirth, and historical inequalities, and gains contrast and connection being located in one of the most human-centered environments in the world.

Times Square Arts
Architects Newspaper

Sun Table
→ 9

Waterproof solar generator
Designed with Mike Low

Photovoltaic panel, teak, lithium ion batteries, stainless steel, electronics.

New York Times
MIT Technology Review
Solare Design

→ 16